About Us
Fast Act is a parent-run nonprofit organization that has chosen to support all Cross Country & Track Student Athletes of Summit NJ High School and Middle Schools.
We commend the intention, work and execution your student athlete accomplishes each day. The effort placed is the foundation of their character for years to come....

Recent News
Winter Track began practicing December 2. First meet is December 11!
Monday, January 20: NJ Conference Clash meet at Ocean Breeze in Staten Island.
7:45 bus departure - 9am meet start.
A smaller group of non-Varsity athletes for the most part. If you plan to transport your child to or from the meet, please email the coaches in advance and cc: dhealy@summit.k12.nj.us
Wednesday, January 22: Union County Individual Championships at Ocean Breeze in Staten Island
6:45am bus departure - 9am meet start.
Mostly Varsity athletes only with a few novice events. If you plan to transport your child to or from the meet, please email the coaches in advance and cc: dhealy@summit.k12.nj.us
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